Whether they know it or not, just about every human has encountered a flexible circuit and more than likely encounters them daily. They play a huge role in manufacturing and Tramonto Circuits has experience with just about every type of flexible circuit. Here is what we can share with you about flexible circuits.
What exactly is a flexible circuit?
The material that flexible circuits are printed on differs from regular circuit boards because flexible circuits are printed on a plastic polymer. They are thin and light and can be formed to any shape you want, unlike rigid circuit boards.
What everyday products do we use that contain flexible circuits?
Cell phones, laptops, microwaves, automobiles, and so many of the things you touch daily has at least one flexible circuit in it. The computer or mobile device you likely are reading this article on is full of flexible circuits.
What industries most commonly use flexible circuits?
Pretty much every industry uses flexible circuits in one way or another. The automotive and medical industries see them very frequently, but they are showing up almost everywhere now as the world continues to make technology that is smaller and lighter.
What do design engineers need to know about flexible circuit manufacturing?
Designing flexible circuit boards is actually very similar to designing the printed circuit boards that have been worked on for decades. If you’ve been designing printed circuit boards, you already know about 90% of what you need to know to build a flexible circuit. The only differences you have to keep in mind are how the signals move through the bend areas.
Learn more about the flexible circuit capabilities Tramonto Circuits can provide for you.
Watch our video about flexible circuits.