Flexible Heaters

Flexible Heaters
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A: Flexible heaters are thin and flexible electronic circuits that can conform to any surface or part. Most designs feature a temperature-measuring device to regulate heat transfer in the application. The uniform heat distribution provided by flex heaters stabilizes the environment, allowing for precise temperature control even in tightly packed electronics or applications involving extreme weather conditions.
A: Design and material are the most critical factors in custom flexible heaters. The option of single-sided and double-sided heaters expands design capabilities to suit applications ranging from heated car mirrors to medical incubators and aerospace components. Silicone rubber heaters are another option and are well-suited for high-temperature applications.
Your Flexible Heater Design, Our Expertise
Every day, new and exciting products are being developed across all industries. Many of these products must operate reliably in extreme temperatures and require custom flexible heaters to keep components within a specified temperature range.
As a flexible heater manufacturer, we work with designs ranging from massive to miniature in size, each with unique specifications to suit the application. We provide expertise and contribute to your success through consistent manufacturing and assembly. You can also rely on our design expertise to troubleshoot and perfect prototypes.
Projects have included heaters for medical devices, automotive components, airplanes, handheld devices used outdoors, and more. Our engineers have decades of experience and offer valuable expertise in assisting with adhesive, heat spreader choice, or complete design. With a quality ratio of over 99% since 2008, you can rest assured that your custom flexible heater will perform as intended when it arrives at your door.
Bring your custom flexible heater and assembly concepts to our team, and we’ll partner with you to discover the most robust solutions and bring your designs to market.
Expertise from Prototypes to Production
Whether your product is in the prototype, pre-production, or full production stage, our team is ready to support your needs. Lean on our experience to provide consistent and reliable flexible heaters and assemblies for your new and exciting products.
99% Quality Ratio
Low return rates are a testament to our commitment to ensuring your order meets all IPC quality standards. Tramonto Circuits is ISO Certified and achieves a 99% quality ratio across all orders annually, from prototypes to production.
On-Time Delivery
Lead times are stated on all quotations, and our historical on-time delivery record is over 98%. Your schedule is important. Our goal is to ensure you don’t worry about delayed deliveries.
Full-Service Flexible Heater Manufacturer
Complement your flexible heater project with traditional rigid circuit boards, flexible circuits, box builds, and more services to make your production journey more pleasurable. Our support team provides full-service solutions while removing your stress and concern over the project.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Flexible heaters are thin and flexible electronic circuits that can conform to any surface or part. Most designs feature a temperature-measuring device to regulate heat transfer in the application. The uniform heat distribution provided by flex heaters stabilizes the environment, allowing for precise temperature control even in tightly packed electronics or applications involving extreme weather conditions.
A: Design and material are the most critical factors in custom flexible heaters. The option of single-sided and double-sided heaters expands design capabilities to suit applications ranging from heated car mirrors to medical incubators and aerospace components. Silicone rubber heaters are another option and are well-suited for high-temperature applications.