Flat Flex PCBs

Flat flexible circuits (FFCs) are hybrid to the flexible circuit family. They consist of a “single” conductive layer and two insulating layers. These circuits are a very thin hybrid member of the flexible circuit family with an overall thickness of about 5.5 (.0055”) mils typically. That makes them very flexible and these circuits are typically used in inkjet printers and as connection cables in rackable communications equipment. Since FFCs are manufactured with polyester materials the only components that can be attached are crimp on type connectors. The white polyester materials can not typically withstand the temperatures necessary to solder components.

Some Key Points

  • Simple and robust construction well suited for interconnect and dynamic applications
  • Thin and light weight, yet durable enough for millions of operations
  • Operating temperatures are typically centered around 25°C (room temp)
  • Only crimp on connectors may be attached

Design Capabilities

  • Layer Count: 1 conductive layer
  • Connector pitch: 0.5 mm, 1.0mm, 2.0 mm, 0.1”
  • Current Carrying Capacity: few milliamps to approximately 500 milliamps
  • Hole Size: Not Applicable
  • Copper Thickness: 1 oz and 2 oz
  • Material thickness: 2 mil typical
  • Polyester Stiffener Thickness: .002” ‐ .010”