Bare Flex PCBs are the Foundation of a Finished Product 

A bare circuit is a circuit that has no components on it and serves as the foundation for a finished product, a flexible printed circuit. This can be in the form of a rigid-flex circuit, a double-sided design, and more. It can be thought of as the customizable base that our customer or contract manufacturer will be adding to suit the needs of our client.

A bare flex pcb is the first element needed to begin the customization of the chip to go into a piece of equipment such as a camera, computer, cellphone, household electronic, or vehicle. The great thing about flexible circuits is all of the options they allow us. There are many projects where we use a flexible circuit that would otherwise be difficult to fit. We expect the use of flexible circuits to increase with time, even more than it already has, which makes them a priority in most industries.

The Process of Creation

All About Bare Board Testing

The process of creating a finished circuit involves what we call “bare board testing”. This is the testing process that involves checking the traces and pads on a circuit to confirm that there are no short or open circuits on the board. This is an important step of our process because it ensures long-term customer satisfaction, ensuring a smooth process for both us and our partners. 

We want to make sure that a circuit meets our customer’s requirements and this is just one of the many steps we take to do so, knowing that the circuit board will perform in the way we want it to. This also saves time and money, when we know the status of the board ahead of time, it prevents our team from having to go back and change parts or re-design elements of the circuit down the road. This makes it cost-effective in more ways than one.

Different types of materials suit a variety of outcomes. Copper is the main material that we use in flexible circuits in varying amounts, along with aluminum, gold, and others. Specific forms of metals and plastic that are included in the finished product will vary depending on what the customer wants. Anything involving electrical equipment brings uncertainties, this is just one way we help to minimize them. Our engineers will select the types of materials needed to be based on our internal tests along with requests we receive. 

It must be accurate!

Here at Tramonto Circuits, we strongly believe in the process of bare board testing. Proper testing aligns with our priority of providing high-quality products, customer support, and on-time delivery. PCB assembly is a complex process that deserves the proper quality assurance. Imagine if the circuit board in your cell phone wasn’t fully tested and confirmed to be accurate. You’d dial a friend and the IRS would answer! Or you’d message a friend and it would go unanswered because it went to a number that doesn’t exist.

We know that bare board testing is the first line of defense that we can take to protect our customers against faulty circuits and have an error-free outcome. It is the “building block” of all things circuits. Quality and longevity are at the forefront of every PCB design we engineer.

What you need to know

There are many benefits of using flexible circuits, here’s what they do and how they can help you advance:

  • They are as versatile as traditional printed circuit boards concerning assembly and functionality
  • They allow for many connections within a small amount of space 
  • They are light and thin which allows the finished products to be smaller and lighter in size 
  • They can safely be embedded in the human body
  • They can be worn on the skin as sensors or monitors
  • Bare flexible circuits will eventually take the place of traditional printed circuits due to their variability and size

Flexible circuits are the future and by utilizing them, you are setting your business up for success. With the strong need for customization today, you can assure that you have the most room for growth. Flexible circuits allow us to customize the electronic components in more hardware and utilize additional forms of technology.

Working with Us

We work alongside your company to fit your needs

Our experience in the industry is what sets us apart from other circuit manufacturers. We are product development engineers, our specialty is helping customers meet their needs. We have experience with pretty much every flexible circuit. Our team goes far beyond the finished product and understands the engineering, planning, and design that go into their creation. 

We are well-rounded in the regulatory standards that must be adhered to in the United States, according to environmental protection agencies such as U.L., FCC, FDA, and more.

Many companies are concerned with what is released into the environment from their products and operating methods. Not only does our business model support the customer’s desire to be sustainable but it also protects the health of workers. 

A common concern among those in the industry is long-term exposure to PCBs. Our standards help to prevent negative health effects associated with them. When partnering with us, you can be assured that your products meet all the legal standards needed to operate safely and efficiently. The industries we have worked in include:

  • Medical Devices
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Transportation
  • Industrial Applications
  • Aerospace

Many PCB manufacturers only serve a few areas, but with our expertise in all fields, we have what you need. Our product priorities extend to our engineering process, we value quality and on-time delivery. We are laser focused on delivering on-time and no-returns. We never want a customer to return a product based on failed quality expectations, it’s something we work hard to prevent. Get in contact with us today and we can get started!